Friday, January 23, 2009

The Dental Excursion

Liam had his first dentist appointment this morning. First of all, the dentist's office is adorable! We went and saw "Dr. Dance." If that's not the cutest name ever, I dunno what is. I'm glad he didn't have the name Dr. Cutting or Dr. Payne like some of the other doctors in this area. The office was brand new and bright and cheery. White wainscoting adorned every wall. There was a video game room, a big blue tunnel slide and a train table to boot. I was wishing they would accept adult patients: it was that inviting.

Liam was leery from the moment we walked in. He curiously played with the train table while I snapped photos the whole time. Once the paperwork was filled out, he walked on back when they called his name "Lee-an". I quickly corrected them.

The doctors office got even cuter as we went further cute. Dr. Dance was very friendly and, of course, had perfect teeth. Liam's dental hygienist tried to get Liam interested in a Diego toothbrush in hopes that he'd flash her his pearly whites, but no such luck. His lips were tightly sealed the entire time!

Long story short, I had to hold his arms while the Dr. peeked in with his little mirrored wand and brushed his teeth with fluoride. Liam screamed through the whole ordeal....but David got pics of it all! Yay....time to scrapbook.

Dr. Dance said his teeth looked great and was happy to see how BIG his front four teeth are (thanks to David's genes).

The appointment ended and we were almost out to the car when I decided to let Liam go down the big blue tunnel slide before we left (I was only thinking of the perfect photo op). It started out all cute, until I let go of him. As you can see, it ended in tears and we were leaving as a big-bullying -obsessed-with-taking-random-photos kind of family. At least we don't have to make this outing for another 6 months. Maybe they'll forget our faces.

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